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The evolutionary history of gasoline pumps, witnessing the take-off of FAP

Source:未知 | Date:Jan 21th,2022



HiStory of fuel pumps -



The roots of the world's first gasoline pump can be traced back to an Indiana grocery store in the 1880s.  
In 1885, Sylvanus-Freelove-Bowser Bowers invented the Kerosene Pump, a pump consisting of a marble valve, wooden plunger, and a simple upright faucet that held 42 gallons of gasoline and was capable of safely adding kerosene, combustible liquids, and petroleum light combustibles.On September 5, he sold this latest invention to Fort, Indiana Fort Wayne, Indiana, to grocery store owner Jake-Gumper Jake Gumper, and it quickly became a huge success.
Bowers then founded the S. F. Bowser Company and in late October 1887 filed a patent for his invention. Within a decade, the Bowser Company was a huge success as the automobile became widely available.
The original gas pump consisted of a square metal box and a wooden cabinet containing a hand pump. Beginning in 1905, Bowers added a hose attachment that connected directly to the automobile's gas tank, and many other innovations followed. The most popular, the Model 102 "Chief Sentry", had a special flap that could be closed when not in use to ensure safety during refueling.


ABOVE: The 1911 Grand Sentinel refuels an automobile on Capitol Street in Washington, D.C., 1920.


ABOVE: Bowers designed the Self-Measuring Gasoline Storage Pump, which came to be known to drivers as the filling station. With the addition of companies such as Wayne Pump Company and Tokheim Oil Tank & Pump Company, Fort Wayne, Indiana became the gasoline pump manufacturing capital of the world.



ABOVE: Dial, Glass Cylinder, Gauge, Turbine, The Evolution of Gas Pumps



- About FAP -


Hyetone Industry introduced Europe and the United States high-end advanced fluid transfer Tuthill (Tuthill) brand ten years ago, Tuthill from the 1960s in the 20th century has been engaged in the design and production of fluid handling equipment, until now has the United States of America's modern factories in Indiana and Louisiana, has become a respected leader in the design and manufacture of fluid handling equipment in the United States with overwhelming market share in the U.S. and the number one market share in the world. We have become the industrial supplier of choice for the rapid transportation of a wide variety of fuels, agrochemicals and chemicals.
During ten years of independent research and development, sales and production, Hyetone Industrial FAP Fluid Division has continuously absorbed the advantages of different types of fueling pumps from abroad and made continuous improvement, which finally makes us have excellent products and applications in fluid distribution and refueling (fuel, lubricant, hydraulic oil, pesticide, chemical liquids), clean refueling, intelligent refueling, and high-precision flowmeter calibration system.
Hyetone Industry does not follow the trend of online, exhibition and so on "earn quick money" mode, but will "help China's industrial equipment national innovation brand solutions" as the goal to "solve the problem of physical health of workers, enhance the sense of well-being of workers at work". Enhance the sense of well-being of workers" as the mission, focusing on "supporting the major construction machinery OEM" sales model, from the equipment factory to solve the user's refueling problems, and provide a complete sales and service system, to solve the OEMs and end-users of the worries.FAP Fluid Power FAP  Fluid Power products combine with Hyetone's industrial human-machine interaction technology, taking into full consideration of machine portability, ergonomics and other characteristics, and adhering to the concept of "machines help people" to build its own brand, to create cost-effective products comparable to world-class brands.
FAP part of the product, applicable to 12V/24V voltage, flow rate covering 20L, 40L, 75L, 100L per minute and other specifications, but also the industry's first research and development of brushless motor refueling pumps for larger tanks, long hours of work in harsh operating environments, optional self-developed intelligent controllers and other products.



-FAP FIBO Power Equipment at a customer site -



丨Hyetone Mission

Hyetone Industry closely links the mission of building a national innovative brand of Chinese industrial equipment with the destiny of the country, and continues to realize technological breakthroughs and development around the product concept of "EHS Human-Machine Improvement". For the construction of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we will contribute to the technology and strength of human-machine interaction industrial equipment. Product contact hotline: 400-018-2086.



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